The Ocean War Will Be Our Downfall

overfishing of the oceans

The Humans Versus The Oceans War Continues.

Despite thousands of scientists around the world raising serious concerns about the current rate at which humans consume seafood and the appalling methods used to obtain that seafood, little has changed.

It is now clearer than ever that humans’ failure to act in accordance with the advice is almost certainly due to our war with the oceans and all marine life.

To be completely honest, I am not on our side of this conflict; we are wrong on this one, and we need to stop before we cause any further harm.

There Is An Urgent Need to Stop Eating Fish Today!

The oceans are in a state of crisis, and the time to act is now.

Our insatiable appetite for fish has pushed the world’s fish populations to the brink of collapse, with a staggering 85% of them either extinct or on the verge of extinction.

The global fishing industry, driven by massive super trawlers that indiscriminately destroy everything in their path, has grown to a size three times larger than what the oceans can sustainably support.

Even if we were to stop eating fish today, the damage we have inflicted on the marine ecosystem is so severe that it would take a staggering 23 years for it to recover.

The decimation of fish stocks, the destruction of ocean floors, and the endangerment of countless marine species have pushed the oceans to the brink of ecological collapse.

The Devastating Impact of Overfishing Is Worse Than You Think.

Overfishing is not just a threat to the fish themselves; it has far-reaching consequences for the entire marine ecosystem.

As fish populations dwindle, the delicate balance of the ocean’s food chain is disrupted; leading to cascading affects that ripple through the entire ecosystem.

Predator species struggle to find food, while prey species proliferate unchecked, leading to imbalances that can have catastrophic consequences.

Furthermore, the methods used by industrial fishing fleets are incredibly destructive. Bottom trawling, for example, involves dragging heavy nets across the ocean floor, destroying fragile habitats like coral reefs and sea grass beds that serve as nurseries for countless marine species.

The Importance of Sustainable Fishing Practices.

While the situation is dire, there is still a glimmer of hope that if we act now, we can at least guarantee a better situation for our grandchildren.

By embracing sustainable fishing practices and implementing strict regulations on the fishing industry, we can give the oceans a chance to recover.

This includes establishing significantly more marine protected areas, implementing catch limits based on scientific data, and promoting the use of more selective and environmentally friendly fishing gear.

Additionally, we must address the root cause of overfishing: our insatiable demand for seafood.

By shifting our diets away from fish and towards more sustainable protein sources, we can reduce the pressure on the oceans and give them a chance to heal.

We Need A Worldwide Call to Action.

The time to act is now; there should be no confusion about this.

By making the conscious decision to stop eating fish today, we can send a clear message to the fishing industry and policymakers that we value the health of our oceans and the lives of future generations over the short-term profits that fishing companies make by stocking our supermarket shelves with food we can easily live without.

Every individual can make a difference by making sustainable choices and advocating for stronger environmental protections for our oceans, seas, and lakes.

The oceans are more than just a food source; they are our planet’s lifeblood, providing oxygen, regulating our climate, and supporting a diverse range of species.

If we do not act quickly, we risk losing this valuable resource forever. Let us band together and decide to stop eating fish today, for the sake of our oceans and the planet’s future.

I, for one, do not want my grandson or great grandson to be forced to live on the moon or Mars simply because this generation refuses to accept the fact that we are living our lives in the wrong way.

Humans seem to love Super Trawlers, the bigger the better.

The companies that own and operate the fishing industry’s massive super trawlers pose the greatest threat to our survival because they are unregulated by law, are motivated solely by profit, and clearly do not care about the devastation they cause.

Unfortunately, it is we humans who are the problem; we, the fish consumers, drive the need for these vessels of death to exist; we demand that our supermarkets be stocked to the brim with vast amounts of seafood, and we consume the seafood prepared and served by humans in restaurants.

It’s as if humans are going to great lengths to eradicate all marine life from the oceans, and they appear to be in a hurry to do so.  

We will not listen to reason or be told what to do, and it appears that the world’s seafood-eating humans have effectively declared war on the oceans and have a strong desire to destroy our planet.

We Can Save Our Oceans, One Person at a Time!

It’s a common misconception that our individual actions hold little significance in the grand scheme of environmental challenges.

However, the truth is that every decision we make, including what we choose to consume, has a ripple effect that contributes to the collective impact on our planet’s ecosystems.

When it comes to the health of our oceans, the demand for seafood is a driving force behind the depletion of marine life and the degradation of these vital ecosystems.

While it may seem insignificant, the simple act of choosing not to consume seafood can have a profound impact when multiplied by multiple millions, if not billions of individuals making the same conscious choice.

The Unseen Consequences Of Continuing To Consume Seafood.

The oceans are not an inexhaustible resource, and the consequences of overfishing are far-reaching and often invisible to the naked eye.

From the disruption of delicate food chains to the destruction of fragile habitats, the ripple effects of our seafood consumption extend far beyond the immediate impact on targeted species.

Furthermore, the methods used in commercial fishing operations are now more harmful to marine ecosystems than we could have predicted decades ago.

Destructive practices like bottom trawling, the millions of tonnes of by-catch killed by Supertrawlers each year, and the use of harmful fishing gear like long lines that are multiple kilometres long all contribute to the degradation of these vital environments, exacerbating the issue and bringing forth a rapid end to the health of our oceans, seas and lakes.

A Positive Shift In Our Thinking Is Required.

By every single consumer on this planet choosing not to consume seafood, we can collectively reduce the demand that fuels these harmful practices.

When all of use consumers make deliberate decisions to support sustainable alternatives, the market responds, and incentives for responsible and ethical behaviour increase.

Consider the impact if millions, if not billions, of people around the world decided to stop eating seafood immediately.

The collective reduction in demand would send a powerful message to the fishing industry: “It’s time to stop operations.”

At the very least, it would force them to adopt more environmentally friendly practices while allowing our oceans to heal and replenish their vital resources.

It’s time to recognise the significance of our individual decisions and the collective impact they can have on the health of our oceans.

By making the conscious decision to stop eating seafood, our current population can contribute to the solution rather than the problem, ensuring a planet worth living on for future generations.

Don’t wait for a Global Disaster strikes before taking action.

The time to make a positive change is now, and it starts with each of us making a commitment to protect and preserve the vast and invaluable ecosystems that sustain life on our planet.

Join the movement, spread awareness, and inspire others to make a difference, one plate at a time. Together, we can be the catalyst for change and ensure that our oceans remain vibrant and thriving for generations to come.

The Oceans, Seas & Lakes Of This World Sustain Our Existence.

Marine life plays a crucial role in managing the oceans and maintaining the balance of various biogeochemical cycles, including the water cycle. Here’s just some information on how marine life contributes to these processes:

1.    Reducing pollution and filtering pollutants:  Certain marine organisms like oysters, mussels, and sponges are filter feeders that remove particulate matter, pollutants, and excess nutrients from the water column. 

a.   Mangroves and seagrasses act as natural filters, trapping sediments and pollutants from land-based sources before they reach the open ocean.

2.   Preventing large-scale algal blooms:  Zooplankton and other marine grazers feed on algae, helping to control their population and prevent excessive growth that can lead to harmful algal blooms. 

a.   Coral reefs and other marine ecosystems maintain a delicate balance of nutrients, preventing the accumulation of excess nutrients that can fuel algal blooms.

3.   Maintaining the global water cycle:  The oceans, seas and lakes play a vital role in the water cycles across this vast world by providing the primary source of evaporated water vapour that forms clouds and precipitation. 

a.   Approximately 97.3% of the Earth’s water is stored in the oceans, seas and lakes making them the largest reservoir in the water cycle. 

b.   Marine phytoplankton and other photosynthetic organisms contribute to the water cycle by releasing water vapour through transpiration, a process similar to evaporation in terrestrial plants. 

c.   The ocean’s currents and circulation patterns distribute heat and moisture around the globe, influencing weather patterns and precipitation cycles. 

d.   The loss of the oceans, seas, and lakes would severely disrupt the global water cycle and biogeochemical cycles, leading to catastrophic consequences for life on Earth.

e.   Without the oceans, seas and lakes performing as they should, the primary source of atmospheric moisture would be lost, potentially leading to a drastic reduction in precipitation and the desiccation of terrestrial ecosystems (the end of the world).

But Wait, that’s not all folks.

Furthermore, the oceans, seas, and lakes play an important role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing and distributing heat, and their loss would cause extreme temperature fluctuations and climate instability.

Marine life is critical for the health of the oceans and the delicate balance of biogeochemical cycles, including the water cycle. The loss of the ocean’s ability to provide these essential functions would have disastrous impacts on the planet’s climate, weather patterns, and the survival of all life forms.

There’s no denying that the more environmental damage we inflict on the planet’s oceans, seas, and lakes, the greater the threat to human survival. 

Why are Super Trawlers such a huge problem for the oceans?

Super trawlers are extremely large trawlers that stay at sea for several weeks to catch commercial fish.

They are also known as ‘factory trawlers’ because they are large enough to house facilities that allow the catch to be processed, frozen, and stored.

The netts are so large that there is no way to prevent sea mammals and fish from becoming trapped in them.  

Bottom trawling causes enormous damage to seafloor ecosystems, and even more so to the fragile and slow-growing deep sea ecosystems.

They lay out long lines of hooks that can be up to 75 miles long, sweeping the sea clean of predators and other animals that come across them.

Although only about 4% of all categorised fishing vessels in the world are longer than 24 metres, super trawlers cause far more harm than all smaller vessels combined, multiplied by 15.

For example, the ‘Annelies Ilena,’ Europe’s largest fishing vessel, is a super trawler. It measures 144 metres long and weighs 14,055 tonnes.   This Super trawling bringer of death can hold approximately 7,000 tonnes of fish and can fish for weeks on end. 

Because of its sheer size, the vessel was the subject to a few conversations prior to its deployment; some people were actually concerned about introducing such a large fishing vessel into the oceans.  It’s not as though this stopped anything but it’s the thought that counts.

Last I checked, the European Pelagic Freezer-Trawler Association (PFA) was made up of 34 monstrous factory trawlers and was one of the world’s largest, scariest, and most powerful organisations.  When we talk about trying to stop Super Trawlers, we are referring to organisations like this. 

I sometimes wonder why governments around the world are so incapable of controlling the harm such organisations are causing.

I think I probably know the answer but it would not be appropriate for me to put words to my suspicions for all to see.

Why Are Some People So Very Worried About Supertrawlers?

In 1985, China had 13 super trawlers; now it has 17,000, making it nearly impossible for the oceans to survive.

Fish stocks are undeniably declining; everything in the path of these super trawlers is destroyed by their netts.

The Margiris is a massive fishing vessel that is 142 metres long, weighs 9499 tonnes, can process over 250 tonnes of fish per day, and has a cargo capacity of 6,200 tonnes of dead marine life.

The new all-steel Vladimir Limanov is a massive vessel, measuring 108.2 metres in length, 21 metres in width, 8.35 metres in depth, and displacing 13,500 tonnes.   It has a capacity of approximately 15,000 tonnes of fully processed dead marine life products such as fillets, minced fish, and surimi.

Super trawlers do much more than just collect marine life in nets.

Super trawlers devastate sensitive marine ecosystems, leaving behind a few miles of death and destruction.

Any marine animals or sea birds that cross the path of these massive trawlers will be caught in nets, many of which are large enough to encircle a 12-13 x A380 Aircraft, the largest planes in the world.

Super trawlers are not supposed to target small forage and bait fish, but this restriction is impossible to enforce due to their excessively large nets and the insanely large scale of their fishing practices.

When super trawlers drag nets large enough to snag a couple of ocean liners across the ocean floor, they capture and destroy everything in their path, including the precious ocean floor, which is vital to billions of marine life forms.

Super trawlers can drag their stupidly large nets for man hours at a time and this makes it nearly impossible for any dolphins, sharks, crabs, lobsters, or any other marine species in their path to escape.

Anything that gets entangled is going to die; they will drown or be crushed by the hundreds of tonnes of fish surrounding them.

If there is still a glimmer of hope in this world, Supertrawlers need to be outlawed and a global ocean management strategy must be enforced by NATO or similar. 

After all, if we don’t stop what is going on, we will all perish.

Specially Equipped To Process Dead Marine Life.

Super trawlers are outfitted with industrial-sized vacuums to remove fish from the nets and transport them to a processing facility located beneath the deck.  

Once all of the desired seafood has been processed and frozen, the trash fish and marine mammals are simply dumped overboard.

These massive nets not only indiscriminately trap everything in their path, but they also severely damage the ocean floor, marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, and significantly reduce fish stocks, putting all marine life at risk.

Every time these vessels of death cast their nets, these ships can catch up to 7,000 tonnes of fish, with an astounding 40% of this so called catch dumped back into the sea as dead by-catch.

This is clearly illegal in terms of humanity’s future, and it will bring an end to our oceans far sooner than anyone could have predicted.

These unsustainable super trawler methods have already caused significant harm to the world, and if we don’t stop them now, they may have an irreversible negative impact on ocean life populations and the ability of our oceans to exist in a healthy state.

Our forefathers could never have imagined the techniques we use today to harvest seafood.  

There is overwhelming evidence that super trawlers are destroying more marine species than the planet’s natural systems can replenish, yet we all do nothing; what is wrong with us?  

What Can We Do Differently?

For starters, a plant-based diet is unquestionably better for you and the environment, or at least a diet that is largely plant-based with small amounts of meat from non marine animals that consume plants.

It’s nearly too late for some marine life, around 90% of large predatory fish, such as sharks, tuna, marlin, and swordfish, are already gone forever.

Chinese demand for shark fins has devastated almost every species of shark in the sea.

The stupid fishing industry is now increasingly focusing on smaller fish, which have traditionally fed larger fish, rather than large fish, which were formerly targeted and slain.

Seven of the world’s top ten fisheries are currently focused on little fish. If the fish are too small to eat to humans, they are crushed into fish meal and fed to domestic animals and fish farm raised salmon or tuna.

What’s Next For Human Stupidity?

Now that the majority of large fish species have been eradicated, the fishing industry has shifted its focus to the exploitation of small fish. 

It’s not like they have a choice; human consumers continue to demand seafood on their plates, so fishing companies have developed new and devastating techniques for scooping up all of the small fish from the oceans for human consumption.

Japanese and Norwegian fisheries are no longer happy with hunting harmless baby whales for fun, they are now currently removing hundreds of thousands of tonnes of plankton from the water for use as high-protein feed, congrats to them but very sad for the future of the oceans I suppose?

We humans are in denial, we will not be told what to do (no matter the situation) and refuse to realise that by destroying marine life.  We are happy to go along with planet endangering practices and threaten our future generation’s ability to survive on this planet and it is this stupidity that is driving the need for us to be a multi-planet species.

The diversity and long-term health of our oceans, seas, and lakes must be protected. 

Sure, we humans have been able to recover from all natural disasters that have occurred in the past, sometimes on a regular basis in some areas, but there is one undeniable biological fact: if the oceans die, we die, and we can stop thinking about escaping that disaster.

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