The Humans Attack The Oceans

Humans eat the spoils of the ocean war

Humans Multi-pronged Attack On The Oceans.

Humans are occasionally very clever and have deployed almost indefensible military strategies during their Environmental War against the Oceans.

Although nobody seems to understand why Humans would do so, they waged a relentless war on our oceans that are critical to their existence.

It would seem that this is an example of when the Humans are ‘not so very clever’ and if they keep going at it they way they are, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change have taken a toll on these vast bodies of water that cover 71% of the world’s surface.

While the assault began in the early 1800s, it wasn’t really until the 1960s that humans got their hands of some nifty ocean destroying equipment and materials and ramped up their efforts enormously.

The Ocean Oxygen Depletion Crisis.

Since the 1960s, humans have intensified their efforts to deplete the oxygen content in our oceans by a staggering 400%.

This alarming trend threatens marine life and disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems. As we continue to pump pollutants into the water, the consequences are dire.

The Ocean Acidification Threat.

The industrial revolution marked a turning point in our ability to accelerate ocean acidification, with an increase of over 30%.

This dangerous process harms coral reefs, shellfish, and other marine organisms that rely on stable pH levels. The implications for the entire ecosystem are profound.

A Barrage of Chemicals, Plastics, & Carbon Emissions upon the Oceans.

Humans have bombarded the oceans with chemicals, plastics, and carbon emissions.

These pollutants suffocate marine life, contaminate waterways, and contribute to climate change. The scale of our actions is immense, and the consequences are far-reaching.

Habitat Destruction: Humans Struck A Huge Blow Against the Oceans.

Through mining, drilling, dredging, and land reclamation, humans have increasingly stepped up their campaigns of habitat destruction.

This alteration of physical features and functions disrupts ecosystems that have thrived for millions of years.

The toll on marine biodiversity is immeasurable.

The Shark Situation, Humans Vs a Prehistoric Apex Predator.

Initially struggling in their battle against sharks, humans devised a cunning plan.

By depleting fish stocks, humans forced sharks to seek alternative food sources, including humans.

This unfortunate turn of events has attracted additional military style resources to eradicate sharks.

The humans developed a very effective fear campaign against all types of sharks and the consequences of disrupting the delicate predator-prey balance are yet to be fully understood.

There are fears that the battle against the sharks might end up hurting the humans more than the oceans and their sharks.

Humans Must Be Proud Of The Horrific Consequences of Overfishing.

Humans have made significant gains in their war against the oceans through the expansion of overfishing and destructive fishing practices.

Naval Fleets of Supertrawlers and relentless destruction of ocean floors and coastlines have decimated fish stocks and other marine species.

Many are now endangered or extinct, forever altering the delicate web of life beneath the waves.

The Devastating Toll on Marine Life is Substantial.

Our actions have resulted in the extinction of numerous species: 12 fish species, 10 amphibians, 4 reptiles, 2 mammals, 1 bird, and 1 invertebrate.

The loss of these diverse creatures is a stark reminder of the consequences of our actions. The oceans are teetering on the brink of collapse.

The Humans Were Able To Inflict A Lot Of Damage Without Thinking!

Often when we think of military strategies, we imagine complex plans and tactics to be used in warfare.

However, it is very impressive to realize that humans have unintentionally deployed a lot of their attacks against the oceans.

These ‘attacks without thinking’ involves targeting various groups of living organisms such as plankton, plants, algae, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, and seabirds.

While the impressive damage humans have inflicted in their ‘attacks without thinking’ campaigns may not have been deliberate military campaigns, the damage done to the Oceans is top notch.

The consequences of their ‘attacks without thinking’ have been just as devastating as if they were full scale assaults.

Without thinking and not so much of a single rational thought, humans have destroyed the delicate balance of many marine ecosystems.

It is important to understand the ways in which we have caused this damage, not only to raise awareness but also to inspire change and promote responsible actions towards our oceans.

The Unintentional Battle Wins, What Humans did without ever thinking.

These unintentional battles waged against the oceans have been alarmingly effective, leaving us in awe of the magnitude of destruction caused by the ongoing negligence and stupidity of humans.

Below are 20 ways in which humans have significantly harmed the oceans without giving it a single thought:

i.        Unintentional Overfishing: The relentless pursuit of seafood has led to the depletion of fish populations, disrupting the marine food chain. 

o   This is one area where humans will forever continue to be the same. 

o   Humans don’t like to be told what they can and cannot eat and they especially don’t like to know that something they are doing is wrong. 

o   They much prefer to just do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it. 

o   Even if humans were told that unless they stop eating fish today, there’ll be none left by 2050, they never will, it’s just not in their DNA.

ii.        Plastic Pollution: Our excessive use of single-use plastics has resulted in vast amounts of plastic waste finding its way into the oceans, endangering marine life. 

o   Despite Scientists in Australia developing the CAT-HTR process to chemically recycle all types of plastics many years ago and Sierra Energy’s Fastox Gasification Process that can process all types of rubbish and produce Synthetic Gas, Liquid Stone & Liquid Metal

iii.        Chemical Runoff: Massive Scale Agricultural practices and industrial activities have led to the release of harmful chemicals into rivers and streams, eventually reaching the oceans and causing pollution.

iv.        Coral Reef Destruction: Irresponsible tourism, destructive fishing methods, and climate change have all contributed to the deterioration of coral reefs, essential habitats for countless marine species.

v.        Oil Spills: Accidental oil spills from ships and offshore drilling operations have devastating consequences for marine life, leading to long-term ecological damage.

vi.        Noise Pollution: Underwater noise pollution from shipping, sonar systems, and construction activities disrupts the communication and behaviour of marine animals.

vii.        Ghost Fishing: Abandoned or lost fishing gear continues to trap and kill marine animals, resulting in unnecessary deaths and further depletion of species.

viii.        Climate Change: Rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise caused by human-induced climate change have severe implications for marine ecosystems.

ix.        Over tourism: The unchecked growth of tourism in coastal areas leads to habitat destruction, pollution, and disturbance of marine species.

x.        Invasive Species: Introducing non-native species into marine environments can disrupt native ecosystems and harm local biodiversity.

xi.        Deep-Sea Mining: The extraction of minerals from the ocean floor can cause irreversible damage to unique and fragile deep-sea ecosystems.

xii.        Illegal Fishing: Poaching and unregulated fishing practices undermine conservation efforts and deplete fish stocks.

xiii.        Acoustic Pollution: Intense underwater noise from activities such as seismic surveys and military exercises can have detrimental effects on marine mammals.

xiv.        Excessive Nutrient Runoff: Fertilizer use in agriculture contributes to nutrient runoff, leading to harmful algal blooms and oxygen-depleted dead zones in the oceans.

xv.        Marine Debris: Apart from plastic, other forms of marine debris, including glass, metal, and fishing gear, pose a significant threat to marine life.

xvi.        Disruption of Breeding Grounds: Human activities, such as coastal development and beachfront lighting, can disrupt the natural breeding and nesting cycles of marine species.

xvii.        Overuse of Resources: Exploiting marine resources beyond sustainable levels, such as excessive harvesting of fish or minerals, degrades ecosystems and jeopardizes future generations.

xviii.        Seabed Destruction: Bottom trawling and dredging practices cause irreversible damage to the seabed, destroying vital habitats and disrupting marine ecosystems.

xix.        Chemical Sunscreens: The use of certain chemical sunscreens contributes to coral bleaching and harms coral reefs.

xx.        Carbon Emissions: The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere leads to ocean acidification, threatening the survival of many marine organisms.

Understanding the Consequences Of Never Thinking!

It is crucial to comprehend the consequences of these unintentional attacks on the oceans.

The damage caused not only affects marine life but also has far-reaching implications for human well-being.

The loss of biodiversity, disruption of ecosystems, and compromised food security are just a few of the many repercussions we face.

What if it turns out we’ve Made a Huge Mistake?

While the scale of damage we’ve done so far may seem overwhelming, it is essential to remember that we have the power to reverse a decent percentage of it.

By taking responsibility for our actions and making conscious choices, we can begin to heal and protect our oceans.

Here are a few steps we can take:

1)   Reduce single-use plastics and opt for reusable alternatives.

2)  Support sustainable fishing practices and choose seafood from responsible sources.

3)  Minimize chemical use and ensure proper disposal to prevent pollution.

4)  Advocate for the protection of coral reefs and other vulnerable marine habitats.

5)  Support organizations working towards oil spill prevention and response.

6)  Reduce noise pollution by promoting quieter marine activities.

7)  Participate in beach cleanups and initiatives to remove ghost fishing gear.

8)  Advocate for policies and actions that address climate change and its impact on the oceans.

9)  Choose responsible and sustainable tourism options.

A Plan For Going Forward.

By implementing these changes in our daily lives and demanding action from governments and industries, we can ensure a brighter future for our oceans.

The Humans 220 year multi-pronged attack on the oceans was unfortunately designed to overwhelm the defences and resources of the major groups of living organisms. 

Some aspects of the damage we’ve done to the oceans will be much harder to fix than others.  

Plankton, for instance, plays a crucial role in marine food chains, acting as the primary source of nutrition for many marine species.  Humans quickly worked out a series of battle actions they could kick off to reduce the amount of plankton in the oceans. 

Humans intensified activities such as pollution and overfishing and have effectively disrupted the delicate balance of plankton populations.

Similarly, plants and algae provide essential habitats and oxygen production in the oceans and these targets have not gone un-noticed by the humans. These organisms are impressively under threat due to habitat destruction, pollution, and the introduction of invasive species.

As a result, the stability of marine ecosystems has been compromised, leading to a ripple effect on other organisms and helping the Humans win the war against the oceans.

Invertebrates, fish, reptiles, and seabirds also face the brunt of this multi-pronged attack and humans are doing very well at getting their numbers down.

Overfishing, destructive fishing practices, and habitat degradation have depleted fish populations and disrupted the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. 

This has minimised any chance of long term survival for many marine species, including reptiles and seabirds that rely on fish as their primary food source.

Humans May Incur Some Losses Long Term.

The multi-pronged attack on the oceans has helped the Humans be in a winning position however, there might be some far-reaching implications for Humans, as well as their targeted marine life combatants.

As we continue to exploit and disrupt marine ecosystems, we risk losing biodiversity, which is essential for the overall health and functioning of the planet.

The loss of species can disrupt the intricate web of interactions that sustain life in the oceans, ultimately affecting us as well unfortunately.

Furthermore, the degradation of marine ecosystems threatens the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on the oceans for food, income, and cultural practices.

Small-scale fishing communities, for example, are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of overfishing and habitat destruction.

The loss of marine biodiversity not only impacts the environment but also has social and economic implications.

Shift Towards Sustainable & Zero Harm Solutions.

To try and lessen the amount of Human casualties in the war against the Ocean, some changes may have to be entertained.

Humans are now recognizing the urgency of the situation and may now start shifting towards sustainable practices to mitigate the risks of harm to Humans during their multi-pronged attack on the oceans.

This requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, governments, and organizations worldwide.

Reducing pollution, implementing effective fisheries management, establishing marine protected areas, and promoting sustainable fishing practices are just a few steps that can help restore the balance in our oceans.

Additionally, raising awareness about the importance of marine conservation and promoting responsible tourism can contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems.

By adopting sustainable practices and supporting initiatives aimed at protecting the oceans, we can gradually reverse the effects of the multi-pronged attack and ensure Humans won’t be harmed too much.

It is essential to prioritise the long-term health of marine ecosystems and ensure the sustainable use of ocean resources for future generations.

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