Cheap Clean Energy

Cheap clean energy generation options meet the criteria of minimal harmful emissions, efficient land use, high reliability, and long-term cost-effectiveness and include 3 options as follows:
Option 1 – Natural Gas-Fired Power Stations.
Natural (Methane or Bio) gas-fired power plants produce electricity by burning natural gas, which emits lower levels of greenhouse gases and air pollutants compared to coal.
Modern combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants have high efficiencies and can operate continuously, providing reliable baseload power.
While initial capital costs are moderate, governments have the ability to assist Gas Companies with keeping the costs of producing methane gas down and ensuring minimal fuel cost fluctuations and ensuring long-term affordability.
Option 2 – Nuclear Power Stations.
Nuclear power plants generate electricity through nuclear fission, a process that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during operation.
Modern nuclear reactors have a lifespan of 60-80 years and can provide reliable baseload power 24/7.
Initial construction costs are substantial but operating costs are relatively low, and nuclear fuel is inexpensive, ensuring long-term affordability. Nuclear power plants have a small land footprint but require robust safety measures, all of which in this modern era is exceptionally well managed.
Option 3 – Ultra-Supercritical Coal-Fired Power Stations.
Ultra-supercritical coal-fired power plants operate at higher temperatures and pressures, achieving higher efficiencies and lower emissions compared to conventional coal plants.
These power generation plants have a lifespan of 30-40 years and can provide consistent baseload power.
They produce vastly reduced greenhouse gas emissions but require significant upfront investments.
The latest technology with High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE) Coal Fired Power Stations might have relatively high upfront capital costs but they can provide reliable, low-cost electricity with acceptable (for now) emissions over an operational lifetime of well over 20 years.

New Nuclear Reactor At The Liddell Site

AP1000 Nuclear Reactor at Liddell Site

Constructing a Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Reactor at Liddell Site. The Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear reactor represents a significant advancement in nuclear […]

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Gasification of rubbish technology

Sierra Energy FastOx Gasification

Sierra Energy FastOx Gasification Could Eliminate Landfill Rubbish Operations. Sierra Energy, a pioneering waste management company, has created an innovative

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A world covered by wind turbines

Wind Turbine Site Complete Recycling

The Complete Recycling Of Old Wind Turbine Sites. The complete recycling of decommissioned or no longer wanted wind turbine sites

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Pyroprocessing Of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Reprocessing Spent Nuclear Fuel

Pyroprocessing And Chemical Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Spent nuclear fuel, often referred to as SNF, is a by-product of

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Building a 600MW Simple Cycle Gas Fired Power Station.

Simple Cycle Gas-Fired Power Station

Building A Simple Cycle Gas-Fired Power Station. A simple cycle gas-fired power station has the potential to play a pivotal

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Fixing the Immigration Problems At Your Country

Immigration Does Not Need To Be Problematic

Prevent Immigration From Becoming A Misery Business. This article is about understanding how over-immigration can become a Misery Business if

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combined cycle gas fired power station

Combined Cycle Gas Fired Power Station

Constructing A New Combined Cycle Gas Fired Power Station. Combined cycle gas fired power generation is a highly efficient and

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Rational Thinking Humans Organisation HQ

Rational Thinking Humans Organisation

The New Rational Thinking Humans Organisation. The Rational Thinking Humans Organisation (RTHO) is an exciting concept that will hopefully lead

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Solar Flare Energy Capturing Panels on Planet Harsh

Do Not Kick Battlers When They Are Down

Do Not Kick Solar Panel Owning Battlers When They Are Down. Let us imagine an island nation on a planet

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Chemical recycling of plastics

Chemical Recycling Of Plastics

Chemical Recycling of Plastics For A Better Future. Plastic waste has become an increasingly pressing issue in our world today.

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Advanced Nuclear Power Solutions

Fast Neutron Nuclear Reactors

Fast Neutron Nuclear Reactors & Pyrochemical Processing. Nuclear power technology has long been a topic of debate and discussion. While

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A Nuclear Powered Future Is Needed

Please Nuke Power Me

Please Nuke Power Me And My Country Now. Advanced Nuclear Power technology is the way forward, it’s way we will

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No more Landfills Required

Burying Loads Of Rubbish

Stop Burying Loads Of Rubbish & Use It Instead. Humans are messy creatures on their best day, every year we

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the wandoan hydrogen project

The Surat Hydrogen Project sounds Exciting

I’m getting excited about the Surat Hydrogen Project. A Sustainable Future for the town of Wandoan, Queensland is hopefully just

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the energy crisis

Australia needs Bluegen Fuel Cells

Fixing the Energy Crisis by adopting Bluegen Fuel Cells. It would seem that Australia has completely overlooked a very promising

Australia needs Bluegen Fuel Cells Read More »

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Quantum computers and nuclear energy

Quantum Computers and Nuclear Energy

Quantum Computers and the Future of Nuclear Energy. Today we will take a little walk into the future.  We’ll talk

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Biogas recovery plants

Future Biogas Recovery Plants

A future ensured by biogas recovery plants Today I thought we might talk about how we might just be able

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The Pro Nuclear Berry Tree

Pro Nuclear Berry Trees And Nuclear Power

Pro Nuclear Berry Trees And Fast Neutron Nuclear Power Reactors. Advanced fast neutron nuclear power plants represent a significant evolution

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dealing with the energy crisis

Fixing The Energy Mix For Your Country

Nuclear Power Technology Will Fix The Energy Mix Crisis. The last thing anyone ever wants to see is images of

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