Backyard Composting Is A Must

open air composting

Backyard Composting is a Must for Every Homeowner.

You can recycle organic waste quickly and easily by composting, which also produces nutrient-rich soil for your backyard garden.

No matter how big or small their backyard is, everyone should take composting seriously.

It enhances the general health of plants and soil while lowering the quantity of waste disposed of in landfills.

The process by which organic materials break down into compost, which is a crumbly, dark substance, is called composting.

Leaves, yard waste, and food scraps are examples of organic materials that can be composted.

Organisms like worms, fungi, and bacteria can finish this process by breaking down organic matter in the right conditions.

Materials that are both “green” and “brown” are needed for composting. Straw, shredded paper, and dry leaves are examples of brown materials.

Grass clippings, coffee grounds, and leftover fruits and vegetables are examples of green materials.  The decomposition process will be aided by layering these materials and making sure there is the right amount of moisture and air.

10 Reasons to DIY Mulch by Composting in Your Backyard.

Are you looking for a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to enhance your backyard? DIY mulching by composting might be the perfect solution for you!

Not only does it provide numerous benefits for your garden, but it also contributes to a healthier environment.

My top 10 reasons for making your own mulch via composting.

1)   Cost Savings: One of the most significant advantages of DIY mulching by composting is the cost savings. Instead of purchasing expensive mulch from a store, you can create nutrient-rich compost using organic waste from your kitchen and yard. This not only saves you money but also reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers.

2)  Improved Soil Quality: Composting your own mulch enriches the soil with essential nutrients and enhances its overall quality. The organic matter in the compost improves soil structure, increases water retention, and promotes beneficial microbial activity. This results in healthier plants with stronger root systems.

3)  Weed Suppression: Applying a layer of mulch created from your compost helps suppress weed growth in your backyard. The mulch acts as a natural barrier, preventing weed seeds from receiving sunlight and germinating. This reduces the need for manual weeding and chemical herbicides.

4)  Moisture Retention: DIY mulch made from compost helps retain moisture in the soil by reducing evaporation. It acts as a protective layer, preventing water loss and maintaining a consistent level of moisture for your plants. This is especially beneficial during dry spells or hot summer months.

5)  Temperature Regulation: Mulching with compost helps regulate soil temperature by insulating the soil. It keeps the soil cooler in hot weather and warmer in cold weather. This creates a more favourable environment for plant growth and protects the roots from extreme temperature fluctuations.

6)  Nutrient Recycling: Composting allows you to recycle and reuse organic waste from your kitchen and yard. By turning this waste into nutrient-rich mulch, you are closing the nutrient loop and minimizing waste. This sustainable practice not only benefits your garden but also reduces your carbon footprint.

7)  Pest Control: Some types of mulch created from compost, such as cedar or pine, can act as natural pest repellents. These mulches release aromatic compounds that deter insects and pests from your garden. This reduces the need for chemical pesticides, creating a safer and healthier environment for both you and your plants.

8)  Erosion Prevention: Applying a layer of compost mulch helps prevent soil erosion in your backyard. The mulch acts as a protective barrier, reducing the impact of heavy rain and preventing soil runoff. This is especially beneficial for sloped areas or gardens prone to erosion.

9)  Aesthetically Pleasing: DIY mulch created from compost adds a natural and visually appealing touch to your backyard. It gives your garden a well-maintained and cohesive look while providing a backdrop that allows your plants to shine. You can customize the colour and texture of your mulch to suit your aesthetic preferences.

10)       Environmental Impact: By composting and using DIY mulch, you are making a positive impact on the environment. You are reducing the amount of organic waste that goes into landfills, minimizing the need for synthetic fertilizers, and promoting sustainable gardening practices. Your backyard becomes a small but significant contributor to a greener planet.

The Many Benefits of DIY Mulching.

DIY mulching by composting in your backyard offers a wide range of benefits for both your garden and the environment.

From cost savings to improved soil quality, weed suppression to pest control, the advantages are undeniable.

Composting is a simple and effective way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich mulch for your garden.

By recycling organic materials such as food scraps, yard waste, and leaves, you can turn them into a valuable resource that nourishes your plants and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

While composting is gaining popularity worldwide, some countries have embraced this eco-friendly practice more than others.

Let’s now take a look at some countries around the world where I consider their residents to have wholeheartedly embraced the task of making their own mulch through backyard composting.

The USA.

The United States ranks highest from what I can see on the list of countries embracing backyard composting.

With a growing awareness of environmental issues and a desire to reduce waste, many Americans have taken up composting as a way to make a positive impact. 

Various cities across the US have implemented composting programs, providing residents with the necessary tools and education to get started.

Additionally, community gardens and urban farms have also played a significant role in promoting composting practices.


Long know for its commitment sustainability and environmental stewardship, Germany is very much into composting and this process is widely embraced by its residents.

Germany has implemented strict waste management policies, which encourage citizens to compost their organic waste.

German households are equipped with separate bins for organic waste, making it easy for people to separate their food scraps and garden trimmings.

The resulting compost is then used to enrich the soil in gardens and public green spaces.


Although probably best known for Deadpool, Maple Syrup, Tim Hortons Coffee and Ice Hockey, Canada are 3rd on my list for adoption of composting practices. 

Canadians seem to have very much embraced backyard composting has gained significant traction.

With vast expanses of natural beauty and a strong connection to the environment, Canadians have embraced composting as a way to reduce waste and improve soil health.

Many municipalities in Canada offer composting programs and provide residents with compost bins or discounted composting equipment.

Community gardens and local organic farms also encourage residents to compost their organic waste and contribute to sustainable agriculture.


The island nation I call home is well known for the Barrier Reef, Meat Pies, Vegemite, Kangaroos, Mick Dundee and Koalas, Australia’s warm climate and love for outdoor living make it an ideal country for backyard composting.

Australians have long recognized the benefits of composting in conserving water, reducing landfill waste, and promoting healthy soil.

Local councils and community organizations in Australia actively promote composting through educational programs and workshops.

The Australian government also offers incentives, such as rebates on composting equipment, to encourage more residents to adopt this eco-friendly practice.


The Netherlands is known for its innovative approaches to sustainability, and composting is no exception.

Dutch residents have embraced composting as a way to reduce waste and improve the quality of their soil.

Composting is integrated into the waste management systems in many Dutch cities, with separate collection bins for organic waste.

The resulting compost is used in public parks, gardens, and agricultural fields, contributing to the country’s commitment to sustainable agriculture.

Below Is My Basic Guide to Composting.

When selecting composting equipment, there are various things to take into account.

An effective way to rotate the compost on a regular basis is with a specially made rotary composter unit. This quickens the breakdown process and guarantees adequate aeration.

An additional choice for a small area for composting is a compost tumbler or bin. To suit your backyard and composting needs, a range of sizes and styles of bins are available.

Worm composting, or vermi-composting, is an option if you don’t have a lot of space. In vermi-composting systems, worms break down organic waste.

The Effectiveness of Open Air Composting vs. Enclosed Composting.

Both outdoor and enclosed composting have benefits.  More control over the composting process is possible with enclosed composting methods like rotary composters and compost bins.

In an enclosed composter, compacted material breaks down more quickly and, when turned often and maintained at the right moisture content, doesn’t smell or draw pests.

Conversely, uncontrolled natural decomposition is the foundation of outdoor composting. Composting outdoors can still be successful even if it takes longer for the organic materials to break down.

As long as you have enough space and don’t mind possible pests or odours, open-air composting is usually acceptable.

The Substantial History of Garden Composting.

People have been composting organic waste in their gardens since ancient times, having discovered the benefits of creating rich soil. Composting was a common practice among ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilisations to boost agricultural productivity and soil fertility.

However, development of modern composting techniques did not begin until the nineteenth century. Sir Albert Howard, dubbed the “father of modern composting,” conducted extensive research on composting techniques and emphasised the importance of organic matter for plant nutrition and soil health.

What Not to Compost.

Despite the fact that the majority of organic waste can be composted, there are a few things you should not put in it.

Meat, dairy, greasy or oily materials, and pet waste should not be included in your compost pile because they attract pests and introduce harmful bacteria.

Furthermore, do not compost weeds that have produced seeds or plants that have been treated with chemical pesticides.

Below are the Do’s and Don’ts of Home Garden Composting.

To ensure successful composting, here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

These are the composting Do’s:

1. Layer the green and brown materials.

2. Turn compost on a regular basis for better aeration.

3. Keep compost moist but not wet.

4. Break down compostable items into small pieces to speed up decomposition.

5. Monitor the compost pile’s temperature.

These are the composting Don’ts:

1. Avoid throwing in meat, dairy, or oily/greasy ingredients.

2. Avoid composting weeds that have grown to seed.

3. Avoid putting in plants treated with pesticides.

4. Avoid using too many citrus peels.

5. Regularly turn and maintain your compost pile.

Follow these steps to create a healthy compost pile that will provide nutrient-rich soil to feed your plants and promote the growth of a beautiful garden.

Composting benefits both the environment and your backyard.  Thus, if you have a backyard, now is a great time to start composting and reap the benefits of healthier soil and more vibrant plants!

CHROX Garden Compost Bin Rolling Bucket Fertilizer Box.

If you’re looking for a good garden compost unit, look into the Chrox Garden Compost Bin Rolling Bucket Fertiliser Box. 

These units are quick and efficient composting systems.

Composting, as we all know, is a must-do for anyone looking to reduce waste, enrich their soil, and benefit the environment.

If you have a backyard and want to compost, the Chrox Garden Compost Bin Rolling Bucket Fertiliser Box is a must-have outdoor composting unit.

This compost bin’s innovative design and impressive features make composting easier.

They Have A Large Capacity for All Your Organic Waste.

One of the most notable features of the Chrox Garden Compost Bin is its large capacity of 190 Litres.

This means you can compost a large amount of organic waste, such as kitchen scraps, yard trimmings, and small branches.

With such a large capacity, you can make nutrient-dense compost for your garden without running out of space.

The Are Made from High-Quality Durable Materials.

Without a doubt in my mind, the Chrox Garden Compost Bin has been built to last everything we’ll be able to throw at them in our backyards.

They’re made from high-quality materials, including galvanised steel and polypropylene and these materials make the compost bin corrosion-resistant, weather-resistant, and extremely strong.

Regardless of the weather or the amount of wear and tear, this compost bin will stand the test of time.

They have an excellent Vent Design for Optimal Air Circulation.

The Chrox Garden Compost Bin has a one-of-a-kind vent design that makes it stand out.

This compost bin has multiple vents that allow for complete air contact, ensuring that the compost gets plenty of oxygen.

Well oxygenated compost breaks up clumps and promotes faster decomposition, resulting in more fertile compost for your garden.

Built-in Air Pipe for Enhanced Fermentation.

Because of the integrated air pipe, the interior of the this Compost Bin is non-turning.

It’s not that these units can’t turn; it’s just that the manufacturer went above and beyond with a turning/tumbling design, including everything you’d need if it couldn’t turn.

As a result, these units deliver the best of both worlds. They break down your organic waste more effectively and quickly, preventing clumping and promoting complete fermentation.

Making Compost vs. Sourcing Free Mulch From Your Local Council.

Composting is an excellent method for recycling organic waste and producing nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

However, not everyone has the time, space, or desire to create their own compost in their backyard.

If you find yourself in this situation, do not worry; there is another option available to you: you can usually get free mulch from your local council.

The Benefits of Free Mulch.

Free mulch provided by your local council can be a great alternative to making your own compost. It offers several benefits:

1.    Convenience: Instead of going through the process of composting, you can simply pick up free mulch from your local council’s refuse centres. It saves you time and effort.

2.   Cost-effective: By utilizing free mulch, you can save money on buying commercial mulch for your garden. It’s a budget-friendly option.

3.   Environmental sustainability: By using free mulch, you are participating in the recycling efforts of your local council. It helps reduce waste and promotes a greener environment.

Now that you’re hopefully convinced of the benefits, let’s explore how you can source free mulch from your local council:

1. Check with Your Council.

Start by contacting your local council to find out if they offer free mulch to residents.

Most councils have designated refuse centres where they provide mulch for public use.

They may have specific guidelines and restrictions, so it’s important to inquire about any limitations or requirements.

2. Limits and Proper Trailer Covering.

Some council areas may impose limits on the quantity of free mulch you can take.

This is to ensure fair distribution among residents. Make sure to inquire about any restrictions and adhere to them.

Additionally, when transporting the mulch, it’s crucial to cover your trailer properly.

Failure to do so can result in fines from the police.

Secure the mulch with a tarp or netting to prevent any spillage during transportation.

It’s better to be safe and avoid any unnecessary penalties.

3. Collection and Usage.

Once you have the necessary information and have complied with the council’s guidelines, you can collect your free mulch from the designated refuse centre.

Bring your trailer, ute, own containers or bags to transport the mulch back home.

When using the mulch in your garden spread it evenly around your plants and flower beds.

Mulch helps retain moisture, suppresses weed growth, and improves soil fertility.

It’s a fantastic natural resource that can enhance the health and beauty of your garden.

Where to Buy Mulch: A Guide to Bunnings and Similar Stores.

Composting is a fantastic way to nourish your garden and reduce waste, but it’s not for everyone.

Similarly, while picking up free mulch from your local council is a great option, it may not always be available or convenient.

If you find yourself in need of mulch for your garden and these options don’t suit you, don’t worry!

You can always head to Bunnings or similar stores to purchase the mulch you need.

Why Choose Buying You Mulch From Bunnings or Similar Stores?

Bunnings, as well as other similar stores, offer a wide range of mulch options to suit every garden need.

Whether you’re looking for organic mulch, decorative mulch, or mulch with specific properties, you’ll find it at these stores.

Plus, they often have knowledgeable staff who can guide you in choosing the right mulch for your garden.

Types of Mulch Available at Bunnings.

When you visit Bunnings or similar stores, you’ll find a variety of mulches to choose from. Here are some common types:

1. Organic Mulch.

Organic mulch is made from natural materials such as wood chips, straw, leaves, or grass clippings.

It helps retain moisture in the soil, suppresses weeds, and improves soil fertility as it breaks down over time.

Bunnings offers a range of organic mulches, including eucalyptus mulch, pine bark, and sugar cane mulch.

2. Decorative Mulch.

If you’re looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your garden, decorative mulch is the way to go.

Bunnings provides various options like coloured wood chips, pebbles, and stones that can add a touch of style to your outdoor space.

3. Mulch with Specific Properties.

Depending on your garden’s needs, you may require mulch with specific properties.

Bunnings offers mulches that cater to these requirements. For example, you can find mulches that are specially designed to repel insects or retain heat.

These mulches can help protect your plants and create a more favourable environment for their growth.

How to Choose the Right Mulch.

When selecting mulch from Bunnings or similar stores, consider the following factors:

1. Purpose.

Determine the purpose of the mulch. Are you looking to improve soil fertility, suppress weeds, or enhance the visual appeal of your garden? This will help you choose the appropriate type of mulch.

2. Garden Needs.

Consider the specific needs of your garden. Does it require moisture retention, temperature regulation, or protection from pests? Identifying these needs will guide you in selecting mulch with the right properties.

3. Budget.

Take into account your budget when choosing mulch. Bunnings and similar stores offer a range of options at different price points, so you can find one that fits your budget.


Although I personally think making your own compost/mulch is best option, I certainly appreciate that everyone’s situation is different.

As much, if making your own compost isn’t an option, you could always trying picking up free mulch from your local council. 

If you’re unable to get free mulch from your local council area or if picking it up yourself is not an option, then buying mulch from Bunnings or similar stores is a convenient and reliable alternative.

With their wide selection of mulch types and knowledgeable staff, you’ll be able to find the perfect mulch to suit your garden’s needs. So, head over to Bunnings or a similar store and give your garden the nourishment and protection it deserves!

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