Bio Fuels and Clean Energy

Rising Fuel Costs - Energy Crisis - Improve the environment

Biofuels & The Clean Energy They Provide.

If what read this morning is correct, we have only got 45 years worth of crude oil left in the ground.

This might concern a few people out there in our world when we then take into account just how much of the world’s crude oil is used as diesel and how much diesel we consume every year.

We have roughly 1.65 Trillion barrels of crude oil left in the ground. Assuming 42 gallons per barrel and 4 litres per gallon, we have 277.3 trillion litres of crude oil left.

This may appear to be a large amount, but it is not because the world consumes 5.95 trillion litres of crude oil each year.

We use crude oil in roughly the following proportions: 45% for unleaded gasoline, 29% for diesel, and 26% for a variety of other purposes such as plastics manufacturing.

Around 1.726 trillion litres of crude is used every year to produce diesel; for every 42 litres of crude processed, 11 litres of diesel are produced, resulting in 452 billion litres of diesel consumed each year.

What initially concerned me was that, while we only produce 9.3 billion litres of Bio Diesel per year, which is 0.54% of what we currently use, we need to start producing another 442 billion litres of Bio Diesel.

This world is heavily reliant on diesel engine vehicles; for example, there are approximately 375,000 trains in the world that consume approximately 9.9 billion litres of diesel per year.

There are approximately 54,000 ships sailing the world’s seas, 53,000 mining trucks, and 320 million diesel engine cars (16% of the world’s 2 billion internal combustion engine vehicles).

Not to pick on Australia but they consume around 27 billion litres of diesel every year, of that, 7 billion litres of that diesel is produced within it’s shores but 90% of the crude used to make that diesel is imported.  

By comparison, Australia only seems to produce around 43 Million litres of Bio Diesel every year which is 0.14% of what the diesel they burn up every year.

I thought Australia was one of the countries that have gone green?

I think all countries should put some more thought towards using less fossil fuel diesel and producing more Bio Diesel.

Standard diesel exhaust produces at least 6 emissions that negatively impact air quality and the environment such as:

1.    Nitrogen oxides (NOx): Diesel engines tend to produce higher levels of nitrogen oxides compared to gasoline engines. NOx emissions contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone and smog, which can cause respiratory problems and damage vegetation.

2.    Particulate matter (PM): Diesel exhaust contains fine particles, known as particulate matter, which can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause respiratory issues. These particles are also responsible for the visible black smoke often associated with diesel engines.

3.    Carbon monoxide (CO): Diesel engines produce lower levels of carbon monoxide compared to gasoline engines, but CO emissions can still occur, especially during incomplete combustion.

4.    Carbon dioxide (CO2): Like any fossil fuel combustion, burning diesel releases carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas contributing to climate change.

5.    Hydrocarbons (HC): Unburned or partially burned fuel can be emitted as hydrocarbon compounds, some of which are toxic and contribute to smog formation.

6.    Sulfur oxides (SOx): Diesel fuel contains sulfur, and during combustion, sulfur oxides are released, which can contribute to acid rain and respiratory problems.

Given that we might end up running out of diesel in around 46 years, it appears that might as well not wait until them to switch to Bio Diesel, let’s do it now and enjoy the health benefits.

If you are wondering whether you can easily switch from using fossil fuel diesel to bio diesel, the answer is ‘Yes’ but it will depend on your vehicle. 

For a B20 blend or less (20% Bio/80% fossil diesel), any current diesel engine can start the switch today but if you would like to use B100 or pure Bio Diesel, you may have to pay for an extra tank, fuel line and injector changes, and replacing any natural rubber in the engine.

How Is Biodiesel Made?

Biodiesel can be produced from various feedstocks and through different processes such as:.

1.    Transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats: This is the most common method, where oils or fats react with an alcohol (usually methanol or ethanol) in the presence of a catalyst to produce biodiesel and glycerin.

2.    Hydrogenation of vegetable oils or animal fats: In this process, the oils or fats are hydrogenated to remove double bonds, resulting in straight-chain hydrocarbons similar to those found in diesel fuel.

3.    Pyrolysis or thermal cracking of vegetable oils or animal fats: This involves heating the oils or fats in the absence of oxygen to break them down into smaller hydrocarbon molecules.

4.    Biomass-to-liquid (BTL) processes: These processes convert lignocellulosic biomass (such as agricultural residues or woody biomass) into biodiesel through gasification, synthesis gas conditioning, and catalytic conversion.

5.    Algae-based biodiesel production: Some microalgae species can produce lipids or oils that can be extracted and converted into biodiesel through transesterification or other processes.

6.    Microbial conversion of waste materials: Certain microorganisms can convert waste materials like sewage sludge, animal manure, or municipal solid waste into lipids or oils that can then be used for biodiesel production.

7.    Chemical recycling of plastics:  Plasticrude, which is a synthetic crude oil is produced from the chemical recycling of plastics through processes like the CAT-HTR (Catalytic Hydrothermal Reforming) and it can be converted into biodiesel as well. Plasticrude can undergo similar processes as petroleum-based diesel, such as hydrogenation or cracking, to produce a renewable diesel fuel equivalent.

8.    Make Biodiesel from synthetic gas:   This process involves the following steps:

a)   Gasification: Biomass feedstock like agricultural residues, wood waste, or energy crops are gasified at high temperatures (700-1000°C) in a controlled environment with limited oxygen. This produces syngas, which is a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), and other gases.

b)   Gas cleaning and conditioning: The raw syngas is cleaned to remove contaminants like particulates, tars, and sulphur compounds that could poison the catalysts used in later stages.

c)   Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: The cleaned syngas is fed into a Fischer-Tropsch reactor containing catalysts (typically iron or cobalt-based). In this process, the carbon monoxide and hydrogen react to form long-chain hydrocarbons, including a mixture of straight-chain paraffins and olefins.

d)   Hydroprocessing: The Fischer-Tropsch products are then hydroprocessed using hydrogen to remove oxygen, saturate olefins, and adjust the molecular weight distribution. This results in a synthetic diesel fuel mixture.

e)   Transesterification (optional): If desired, the synthetic diesel mixture can be further transesterified with an alcohol (like methanol or ethanol) in the presence of a catalyst to produce biodiesel (fatty acid methyl or ethyl esters).

The biodiesel produced from syngas via the Fischer-Tropsch process is often referred to as “renewable diesel” or “green diesel.”

It has properties very similar to conventional petroleum-based diesel and can be used in existing diesel engines without modifications.

This syngas-to-biodiesel route offers the advantage of utilizing a wider range of biomass feedstocks, including non-food crops and waste materials, making it a potentially more sustainable and scalable option for biodiesel production.

I’m yet to notice Bio Diesel being available at any Service Station I’ve ever driven into but I live in hope that I might one day notice the current Bio Diesel price per litre illuminated on a sign out the front of one of my local ‘Servos’.

The Critical Role of Biofuels in Reducing Global Carbon Emissions.

Biofuels have emerged as a pivotal component in the global quest to mitigate carbon emissions and combat pollution.

These renewable energy sources are derived from organic materials, such as plant biomass, animal waste, and other biological matter.

Among the most prevalent types of biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel (which we’ve already discussed), each offering distinct advantages over traditional fossil fuels like unleaded petrol and diesel.

Ethanol, primarily produced from crops such as corn and sugarcane, is a biofuel that can be blended with gasoline to power internal combustion engines.

This blending not only reduces the dependency on crude oil but also curtails the release of harmful pollutants.

One of the key benefits of biofuels is their potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Unlike fossil fuels, which release carbon that has been sequestered for millions of years, biofuels are part of the current carbon cycle.

When biofuels are burned, the carbon dioxide they emit is roughly equivalent to the amount absorbed by the plants during their growth, resulting in a more balanced and sustainable carbon footprint.

Additionally, biofuels contribute to energy security by diversifying the energy supply and reducing reliance on oil imports.

They also promote rural development and agricultural growth, providing new markets for farmers and stimulating economic activity in rural areas.

In essence, biofuels represent a promising alternative to fossil fuels, offering a blend of environmental, economic, and energy security benefits.

As the world grapples with the dual challenges of climate change and pollution, the adoption and advancement of biofuel technologies remain a critical component of the global strategy to achieve a cleaner, more sustainable future.

The Environmental Impact of Traditional Fuels.

The combustion of traditional fossil fuels, such as petrol and diesel, has significant environmental consequences, contributing to both global warming and air pollution.

At the core of this issue lies the substantial release of carbon monoxide (CO) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) during the burning of these fuels.

Carbon monoxide is a particularly pernicious pollutant, known for its ability to impair the atmospheric balance and exacerbate the greenhouse effect, which is a primary driver of global warming.

When petrol and diesel are burned in internal combustion engines, they produce not only carbon monoxide but also carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM).

These emissions collectively degrade air quality, posing serious risks to public health.

Particulate matter, a mixture of tiny particles and droplets in the air, can penetrate deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream, causing a range of health issues from respiratory infections to cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, the extraction, refining, and transportation of fossil fuels themselves pose environmental hazards.

Ocean Oil spills, for instance, cause long-lasting damage to marine ecosystems, this underscores the broader ecological footprint of traditional fuel dependence.

Given these extensive environmental and health impacts, the transition towards more sustainable energy sources such as biofuels becomes not just an option but a necessity.

Understanding The Many Benefits Of Biofuels.

Biofuels, derived from organic materials, offer a promising alternative by significantly reducing the carbon footprint and mitigating the adverse effects associated with fossil fuel combustion.

Ethanol, a renewable biofuel derived primarily from corn and sugarcane, offers significant benefits when integrated into fuel blends.

One of the most notable advantages of using ethanol is its capacity to reduce carbon monoxide emissions. When blended with petrol, ethanol acts as an oxygenate, which helps the fuel burn more completely, thereby decreasing the amount of carbon monoxide released into the atmosphere.

This is particularly important in urban areas where air quality is a concern and vehicular emissions are a major contributor to pollution.

Implementing a 20% ethanol (E20) blend in fuel can be a crucial step towards mitigating environmental impact.

Ethanol-blended fuels produce lower levels of greenhouse gases compared to traditional petrol. The combustion of ethanol results in the emission of carbon dioxide, but this is offset by the carbon dioxide absorbed by the plants during their growth, creating a more balanced carbon cycle.

Consequently, E20 fuel blends can play a significant role in reducing the overall carbon footprint of transportation.

Additionally, ethanol is a cleaner-burning alternative to petrol, producing fewer pollutants such as hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides.

This can lead to improved air quality and a reduction in health risks associated with poor air conditions. The adoption of E20 blends aligns with global efforts to combat climate change by promoting the use of renewable energy sources.

Beyond environmental benefits, ethanol also has the potential to reduce dependence on oil imports.

As a domestically produced biofuel, ethanol can help enhance fuel/energy security and support local economies.

By diversifying the fuel/energy portfolio, countries can reduce their vulnerability to volatile oil markets and geopolitical tensions.

The development and expansion of ethanol production can also stimulate rural economies by providing new markets for agricultural products.

The many benefits of using ethanol in fuel blends are multifaceted.

Ethanol not only contributes to lower emissions of carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases but also supports energy independence and economic growth.

Rolling out E20 blends is a pragmatic approach to addressing both environmental and energy challenges in the transportation sector.

Scaling up the production and use of biodiesel, particularly higher blends such as B20, B50, and B100, holds significant potential in mitigating global carbon emissions and pollution.

The shift towards higher blends not only supports energy diversification but also brings a host of environmental benefits essential for combating climate change.

One of the primary advantages of biodiesel is its biodegradability. Unlike conventional diesel, which can linger in the environment for extended periods, biodiesel breaks down more rapidly, reducing the risk of long-term soil and water contamination.

This characteristic is particularly valuable in protecting ecosystems from the adverse effects of petroleum spills and leaks.

Moreover, biodiesel significantly reduces the carbon footprint of transportation.

The necessity for widespread availability of biofuels at service stations is paramount in the collective effort to reduce global carbon emissions and pollution. Ensuring that consumers have easy access to a variety of biofuel options not only facilitates the transition to greener alternatives but also addresses the growing demand for sustainable energy sources.


With biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel offering significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels, their accessibility is crucial for fostering an environmentally responsible society.

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