Safe Nuclear Power

Certain countries, such as Australia, face significant challenges in embracing nuclear power due to a lack of education about new nuclear technologies. Green parties will soon realise, hopefully, that they only need to learn from one of the world’s greenest countries (Canada) about how they have adopted advanced nuclear fast neutron reactor technology in conjunction with and small modular reactors.
There isn’t much that makes sense about Australia’s aversion to nuclear power. Australia is home to some of the world’s most brilliant scientists, who are well known for improving almost any technology they get their hands on. When it comes to uranium mining, ozzies are widely regarded as the best miners in the world. As a result, they can mine the fuel more efficiently and safely, and they will almost certainly be the best in the world at operating with this type of power generation.

New Nuclear Reactor At The Liddell Site

AP1000 Nuclear Reactor at Liddell Site

Constructing a Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Reactor at Liddell Site. The Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear reactor represents a significant advancement in nuclear […]

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Pyroprocessing Of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Reprocessing Spent Nuclear Fuel

Pyroprocessing And Chemical Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Spent nuclear fuel, often referred to as SNF, is a by-product of

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Rational Thinking Humans Organisation HQ

Rational Thinking Humans Organisation

The New Rational Thinking Humans Organisation. The Rational Thinking Humans Organisation (RTHO) is an exciting concept that will hopefully lead

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Advanced Nuclear Power Solutions

Fast Neutron Nuclear Reactors

Fast Neutron Nuclear Reactors & Pyrochemical Processing. Nuclear power technology has long been a topic of debate and discussion. While

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The Pro Nuclear Berry Tree

Pro Nuclear Berry Trees And Nuclear Power

Pro Nuclear Berry Trees And Fast Neutron Nuclear Power Reactors. Advanced fast neutron nuclear power plants represent a significant evolution

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dealing with the energy crisis

Fixing The Energy Mix For Your Country

Nuclear Power Technology Will Fix The Energy Mix Crisis. The last thing anyone ever wants to see is images of

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Advanced Nuclear Power Solutions

Advanced Nuclear Power Technologies

Advanced Nuclear Power & Recycling Technologies. For many years, the brightest minds on the planet have been researching ways to

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Energy Avoidance Syndrome Virus

Energy Avoidance Syndrome Virus

Understanding the dreaded Energy Avoidance Syndrome Virus. The Energy Avoidance Syndrome Virus (EASV) has emerged as a significant concern, particularly

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nuclear power

Nuclear Power is destined for Australia

Nuclear power technology is destined for Australia in the next 5 years. Can you be Green and still love the

Nuclear Power is destined for Australia Read More »

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