No Animals Here On Earth

protect earths species

No Animals Here Annoying Us Humans On Earth.

Pick a species, any species, and you’ll find plenty of Humans who despise them and can’t wait until they no longer exist.

I know that seems harsh but as you’ll read via this article, it’s kinda hard to make any other assumption.

If only there was a way to disable the functionality within the human brain that automatically elevates them above everything else on the planet.

Is it predetermined for humans to kill or eat any living thing they come into contact with? Is it something in the Human DNA?

There must be a reason why humans want to annihilate all other species on the planet they call Earth. Is it possible that Humans are being forced to cleanse Earth of all Non-Human species?

Is it related to the increasing number of sightings of Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon? (What we used to refer to as UFOs).

Are Humans required to get rid of all other species?

It has recently become evident that not all humans agree with the harmful activities that humanity is doing do this planet to make it better suit themselves. 

Unfortunately for any non-human species that with to co-occupy this planet, this doesn’t get to work out too good for them.

Humans have evolved to the point where they are extremely proficient at bringing about the extinction of other species; it’s almost as if they are just following plays out of a coaches handbook.  

It certainly doesn’t feel as though the way Humans are mistreating this planet relates to random and unplanned act; in reality, I’m now starting to wonder if there might be such thing as a ‘Have Fun Destroying A Goldilocks Planet’ handbook?

Sure, extinctions are a natural part of the evolution for any planet.  However, humans have certainly done an exceptional job of helping things in this space along.  

The vigorous and relentless extinction assistance by Humans has been amazing and makes you wonder if getting rid of other species actually makes them feel good.

More than 99 percent of the four billion species that have evolved on Earth since the planet’s initial hints of life billions of years ago are now extinct.  

Because humans have barely been around for about 200,000 years, they cannot take credit for all of the non-human species eradication; other teams have obviously been engaged doing some solid work in this area.

For the time that Humans have been around, they have worked extremely hard at getting rid of other species though.  Humanity’s efforts can very much be noticed over the last 500 years, bringing about the extinction of at least 900 species.

We must reverse current trends in environmental damage.

To illustrate the hard work Humans have done with getting rid of most of the other species is seemingly paying off.  Humans can now boast that they are responsible for extinction rates between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rates.

To achieve their goals, humans have engaged in substantial hunting, over-harvesting, and polluting activities, as well as introducing pests and invasive species into the wild.  

Humans have benefited from the consistent destruction and repurposing of wetlands, forests, and bushlands, as well as the conversion of fertile agricultural areas into concreted urban areas.

Humans also worked out in recent times that by not caring about how much they add to their overall population each year, it helps them to stay focus on their destructive actions.

The ever increasing human population is a crucial factor for bringing about the extinction of all non-human species on planet Earth, Humans must feel extremely proud of this.

Marine Species obliteration by Humans is 100% on track.

Until recently, humanity saw the ocean as an infinite resource. Because of the ocean’s monstrous size, we thought it would resistant to overfishing.

We were completely wrong about that, between 1970 and 2021, marine life populations have declined by half.

65 fish species have become extinct; there are 1,616 fish species that are on the verge of extinction, 989 endangered species, and 627 critically endangered species.

While habitat loss and pollution are significant contributors to the extinction of many species, human overfishing is by far the most serious issue.

Many species populations are dropping at alarming rates, and the number of endangered species from marine life families such as whales, dolphins, manatees, and dugongs, salmon, seabirds, sea turtles, and sharks, to name a few, is continuously increasing.

The population of the Scombridae family of fish, which includes tuna, mackerel, and bonito, has decreased by 75%.

Freshwater fish populations are declining, in fact one-third of all freshwater fish species are threatened.

Since 1970, migratory freshwater fish populations have decreased by 76%, while mega-fish populations have decreased by 94%.

Nearly 19,000 different species of fish, or 51% of all fish, are found in fresh water. Additionally, they make up 25% of the world’s vertebrate species.

Of course, they are just the ones we are aware of; in the previous ten years, South America alone saw the identification of about 100 new species.

To maintain the health of rivers, lakes, and wetlands, healthy freshwater fisheries are necessary.

Strong freshwater fish populations and human welfare depend on healthy freshwater ecosystems.

At least 2 billion people derive their drinking water directly from rivers, which also provide food for one-quarter of the world’s food.

When freshwater fisheries are protected, the wider environment and everyone who relies on them benefit.

The decline in freshwater fish populations is the most visible manifestation of the damage people have done to our rivers, lakes, and wetlands.

Wetlands have been destroyed by around 35% in the previous 50 years, and just about one-third of the world’s major rivers currently flow freely.

The hardworking men and women in the whale slaughtering industries.

If Humans were killing off all whales was essential to their survival, then they are doing extremely well.

A century ago, the seas were overflowing with whales, so when us humans first started making serious attempts to eradicate them, it was an enormous undertaking to fathom.

But, happily, we humans don’t give up easy, especially those in Japan, Iceland, and Norway (The Big Three).

The ‘Big Three’s’ non-stop commercial whaling and marine research operations have slaughtered millions of whales and turned them into lamp oil, lubricants, cosmetics and the Japanese even started eating them 3 times a day to help try and get the whale numbers down.

Even though the rising cost of diesel has made whaling more expensive, the ‘Big Three’ remain committed to their efforts.

Thankfully, many whales are hardly recovering from the whaling industry, but in areas where we have been unable to maintain our whaling efforts 24 hours a day, there has been word of whales rising in numbers.

Yes, whaling works great, but we have also destroyed a significant portion of their food supplies, introduced millions of tonnes of trash, plastic and harmful substances into the oceans and deployed thousands of kilometres of fishing nets to snare them via our magnificent Super Trawlers.

What’s great about the ‘Big Three’ is that they are always thinking ‘out of the box.’ For example, recently, an Icelandic whaling business killed two endangered blue hybrid whales, thought to be a cross between fin and blue whales, both of which are critically endangered whale species.

Whaling is not done traditionally, but rather using explosive harpoons that kill these mammals in a painful manner. Icelandic-processed whale meat is imported to Japan for consumption.

Some disobedient humans on our planet have persuaded people that whales are far too beautiful to kill, undermining the efforts of the ‘Big Three.’

Unfortunately, many travellers will not visit Iceland because of their whaling practice, which is unfair to them; after all, what are they expected to sell all that Whale Oil?

Unfortunately, whale watching is becoming a very viable and profitable alternative to whaling. People are now intrigued with whales and the whale watching industry is worth approximately $2 billion per year and is rising every year.

In addition, some people have been saying horrible things about Japan and their increased appetite for whale meat.   They have been trying to make them feel guilty about how at any given time; there is approximately 4,500 tonnes of whale meat in freezers ready to be cooked up by hungry Japanese residents.  

In Japan, whale meat can be prepared in a variety of ways and served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s terribly unjust to make our dear friends in Japan feel awful about eating.

The last thing anyone wants to do is to make a particular country feel about the senseless slaughtering of defenceless whales.

The ‘Target Endangered Species Technique’ (TEST) used by Humans.

The Target Endangered Species Technique (TEST) was established in 2004 to assist humans with removal of non-human species from this planet by focussing our efforts on endangered species and the ecosystems upon which they depend upon and ensure their early departure.

The creators of the TEST put forth a number of proposals that would weaken the resolve of remaining non-human species.

This included measures to prevent automatically giving threatened species the same protection as endangered species, and making it easier to remove species from the endangered list.

The TEST promotes increased levels of mega mansion construction, overly large property developments, excessive logging, water resources mismanagement, unnecessarily increased levels of fossil fuel extraction and other industries that assist with making the planet less habitable for other species.  

The TEST’s senior editor was overjoyed to learn that 10 million acres of previously protected Greater sage-grouse habitat in Oregon and other Western states have now been freed up to drilling and mining.

turtles are in danger of being eradicated – major environmental problems

It’s fantastic to see that Chapters 4 through 9 of the TEST were closely followed and that our ever-increasing volumes of widespread plastic pollution in the ocean have effectively permitted 100 percent of sea turtles to have plastic or micro-plastics in their systems.

Emerging diseases affecting more and more wildlife species such as bats, frogs and salamanders are the result of impressive increases in travel and trade (TEST chapter 23).  

This create more opportunities for pests and pathogens to hitch rides to new locations and warming temperatures that enable more pests to survive and spread.

Wildlife trafficking also continues to be on the increase for a lot of species (TEST chapter 19), the fewer non-human species there are, the more valuable they become to poachers and hunters.

We are now hopeful that over 27,000 Threatened Species will soon be extinct. Many amphibians, conifers, reef-building corals, mammals, and, of course, birds are included.

Our efforts to eradicate birds from the earth have been quite successful, with 150 bird species becoming extinct in the previous 500 years and we now have over 1,400 bird species threatened with extinction.

Destroying kelp forests has been a major emphasis in the US since they serve a critical role in coastal ecosystems by providing habitat for other species, protecting the coastline from storm surges, and absorbing carbon dioxide.

Fortunately, by rapidly multiplying the purple sea urchins that eat kelp, we have been able to clear vast areas of kelp forests. 

We accomplished this by lowering the number of California sea otters that consume the poor defenceless purple sea urchins that graze on giant kelp.

There used to be well over 1 million of these otters but thanks to humans following the TEST chapter 36, we’ve been able to diminish their species to roughly 3,000 through unrestricted hunting and pollution.

Getting rid of Apex Species seems to make Humans feel good.

One of the most enjoyable chores that humans may conduct is eradicating the enormous angry-looking apex species that consider themselves to be at the top of the food chain. Despite the fact that these apex species are terrifying to think about for us tiny humans, we’ve done extremely well in this space.

These huge species, fortunately, are more vulnerable because they live longer, reproduce more slowly, have smaller numbers, and require more food and a larger habitat space.

Elephants are an apex species that, ideally, will become extinct soon due to tourism, habitat destruction, and ivory poaching.

Ecosystems in Asia and Africa will hopefully undergo significant alteration as a result and wipe out even more species.

Elephants were hindering our planet modification efforts by disseminating seeds farther than any other animal through ingestion and digestion, which led to an unwanted excessive development of plants and trees that provide food and shelter for birds, bats, and other species.

Therefore, eliminating elephants would be a great move for us humans.

Shark Fin Soup anyone? Why not, Humans can do whatever they want.

Sharks have had it their way for far too long; these apex predators have previously enjoyed an outstanding evolutionary success story.

They’ve been swimming in the oceans for more than 400 million years, eventually expanding to rivers and lakes.

Unfortunately, there are still roughly 500 recognised species surviving today, so there is still a lot of work to be done in this area.

The great white shark has eaten far too many surfers over the years, driving people away from the ocean.

This is unjust to humans because we have claimed ownership of the oceans, thus sharks have no right carry on as if it were their home.

Great White Sharks used to be fairly good golfers, and they have a reputation for being hostile towards humans, established by decades of scary depictions in movies.

Anything that makes us humans sad or afraid has to go, thus we’ll naturally get rid of all sharks shortly.

If you read TEST Chapter 47, you’ll learn how we’ve been able to accelerate the extinction of the world’s sharks by convincing over 1 billion people that their fins are delicious.

Yes, they are rapidly disappearing, mostly due to the demand for shark fin soup consumed throughout Asia at weddings and banquets.   Worldwide, between 73 and 100 million sharks are slaughtered each year only for their fins.

Even though the fin is merely cartilage, the same compound found in humans, cows, and other vertebrates, and has no nutritional value, we humans have managed to convince many people that it is vital to good health.

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