Rational Thinking Humans Organisation

Rational Thinking Humans Organisation HQ

The New Rational Thinking Humans Organisation.

The Rational Thinking Humans Organisation (RTHO) is an exciting concept that will hopefully lead towards the formation of an entity that will be dedicated to addressing pressing environmental issues with a balanced and rational approach.

In a world where environmental challenges are growing in complexity and magnitude, the RTHO will aim to bring a fresh perspective by advocating for practical, evidence-based solutions.

The organisation’s mission statement will be worded around the need to foster sustainable change through well-thought-out, manageable actions that, when combined, lead to substantial impact.

The RTHO employees will be committed to rational methodologies that will set it apart from other environmental centric groups.

It will drive the importance of data-driven decision-making and a measured approach to problem-solving.

The RTHO will focus on incremental steps and ensure that each initiative is not only feasible but also scalable.

This strategy will allow for continuous assessment and adjustment/improvement, ensuring that efforts remain effective and relevant over time.

At its core, RTHO employees, consultants and contractors will have at their heart the need to be consistent with their actions and collectively drive significant change via small work groups with a strong desire to achieve.

The group will seek to engage with various stakeholders, including policymakers, engineers, businesses, scientists and the general public, to promote collaborative efforts.

By doing so, RTHO will aim to create a broad base of support for its initiatives, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and collective progress.

The RTHO Will Assist With New Clean Energy Solutions.

This innovative think tank and proposed technology organisation will bring together lateral and rational minds to address environmental compliance issues surrounding various methods of electricity generation.

The RTHO’s mission will be to revolutionize clean energy production and ensure a sustainable future for all.

Inferior and troublesome clean energy sources like solar and wind have made some technology strides but they still face huge limitations.

The sun doesn’t always shine, and the wind doesn’t always blow.  In the case of wind turbines, they are actually shut off if the wind blows too much.

Reliable Base-load power generation is all about consistent supply of electricity to meet the world’s energy demands.

There’s really no mystery with the importance of Solar or Wind Power, it’s not important, it just doesn’t matter and it is at best an expensive back up option.

HELE Coal Fired Power Plants: A Rational Approach

The impressively large team of experts at the RTHO will spend considerable time delving into improving High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE) Ultra-Supercritical Coal Fired Power Generation Plants.

These already very advanced coal fired power generation plants minimize emissions whilst maximizing efficiency.

With a minimum output requirement of 4 gigawatts, The RTHO experts will work with HELE Coal Fired Power Plant engineers to ensure they will offer stable energy supply, even during cloudy days, night time periods or when there is not even the slightest breeze outside.

Natural Gas, Biogas & Synthetic Gas Fired Power Stations.

Multi-gas gas-fired power stations will play a crucial role in the transition to cleaner energy.

The RTHO will plan to assist with the development of Gas Fired Power Stations that will consist of six power trains. 

Each Power Train will be equipped with:

·        9HA.02 gas turbines.

·        STF-D650 steam turbines driving W88 generators.

·        GE once-through (OT) heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) which will capture the exhaust heat from the gas turbine, generating steam that will be redirected to the STF-D650 steam turbine.

These combined systems should provide over 4GW of power via 6 power trains, ensuring the world’s energy needs are met.

They will collaborate with supplying gas from various sources such as:

Sewage Recovery Plants will treat sewage sludge via thermal hydrolysis and anaerobic digestion to create a biogas that will consist of around 65% methane, 35% CO2 and some trace amounts of other gases like hydrogen sulphide.

 They will propose that most sewage treatment plants on Earth be converted to into Anaerobic Digestion Plants and produce Biogas.

Some Countries will have less power demands than others, so the Biogas in some Countries could be used to fuel power generation requirements via 40MW GE Gas Turbines or 20MW Wartsila Gas Engine driven generators.

Synthetic Gas will be produced via banning Landfill Rubbish Operations and in their place commission chemical recycling of plastics plants using CAT-HTR technology

These processing plants will produce around 85% plasticrude which can be used to make new plastics or bio-diesel and 15% Synthetic Gas which could be burnt as fuel for electricity generation.

Additionally, Sierra Energy’s FastOx Gasification Plants will be commissioned at each waste disposal site and the Synthetic Gas that is produced via this technology will also be used to create electricity.

The RTHO would lend its expertise to countries worldwide and help them develop gas fired power plants.

The RTHO Will Help Unlock The Full Potential Of Nuclear Power.

Nuclear power remains controversial in countries like Australia that are yet to understand how Nuclear Power works. 

The RTHO will provide online modules for Australians to learn about Nuclear Power.

The RTHO will partner with various Nuclear Power Organizations that focus on Advanced Nuclear Power Technologies.

The RTHO will have people that specialise in Fast Neutron Nuclear Reactors as they promise safer, more efficient energy production. Additionally, their work will extend to improvements with Pyrochemical Recycling/Processing of spent Nuclear Fuel, closing the Nuclear Power Generation process loop sustainably and effectively. 

The goal will be to develop Nuclear Power Generation Plants that will last as close as possible to 100 years and will only require a tiny amount of waste disposal due to re-using/recycling spent fuel at least 5 times per cycle.

The RTHO Will Change The Power Generation Landscape.

As unsubstantiated environmental issues continue to surface around power generation options around the world, the Rational Thinking Humans Organisation (RTHO) will be there to dismiss the myths.

The RTHO will remain steadfast in its dedication to rationality and balance when it comes to keeping the lights on, especially at night when there is no wind blowing.

Its approach will not merely be about immediate results but also about laying the groundwork for long-term sustainable and reliable baseload power 24/7.

Through its thoughtful and measured strategies, the RTHO will aspire to make a lasting impact on the way environmental challenges in and around power generation technology are addressed, paving the way for a more sustainable future for all.

The Concept of Rational Thinking.

Rational thinking in a nutshell is all about not being ‘A Silly Bugger’.

When you think rationally, you are fundamentally engaging a cognitive process that is grounded in logic, evidence, and reasoned judgment.

It entails the systematic evaluation of information and situations to make decisions that are free from emotional biases and subjective influences from small but powerful green coloured minority groups that have lost their way in this complicated world.

A rational approach relies heavily on critical thinking and the application of scientific and proven engineering methods to derive conclusions that are coherent, consistent, and well-supported by empirical data.

In the realm of environmental issues that are centred on clean energy production, rational thinking becomes particularly crucial.

Environmental challenges associated with producing electricity are often complex, multifaceted, and interwoven with economic, social, and political dimensions.

By adopting a rational thinking framework, decision-makers can dissect these complexities, analyse the available evidence, and devise solutions that are not only effective but also equitable and sustainable.

One of the key attributes of rational thinking is its emphasis on common sense and objectivity.

This means that decisions are based purely on factual information and logical analysis rather than on preconceptions, emotions, social media one minute videos or external pressures from financially backed environmental extremist groups.

For instance, when addressing Advanced Nuclear Power Technology, a rational approach would involve examining all available scientific data, evaluating the impact of various strategies, and implementing policies that are supported by robust evidence.

Moreover, rational thinking facilitates the identification and mitigation of potential biases that could skew decision-making processes.

Cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias or availability heuristic, can lead to flawed judgments and suboptimal outcomes.

By being aware of these biases and actively seeking to counteract them, individuals and organizations can ensure that their decisions are more accurate and reliable.

Ultimately, the worldwide application of rational thinking will be driven by the Ration Thinking Humans Organisation.

They will unravel to truth and lies associated with claimed environmental issues associated with Advanced Nuclear Power Technologies and enable a balanced and methodical approach to problem-solving.

The RTHO will facilitate the integration of diverse perspectives and the consideration of long-term implications, thereby fostering solutions that are not only practical but also sustainable.

In an era where environmental challenges associated with energy generation are increasingly urgent, the principles of rational thinking will provide a solid foundation for making informed and effective decisions.

Rational Thinking With Gas Fired Power Generation Issues.

Rational thinking is paramount when addressing environmental issues that may or may not exist with Gas Fired Power Generation.

Rational thinking in this subject area fosters a logical and methodical approach to problem-solving and technology advancements.

Unlike impulsive or emotionally-driven actions, rational thinking allows for a comprehensive analysis of environmental challenges associated with gas fuelled energy production, leading to sustainable and effective long-term solutions.

This approach ensures that decisions are based on evidence and sound reasoning.  This is in place of emotive responses from radical organisations wearing green coloured clothing that often suffer from short-sighted technology vision impairment and counterproductive idea development syndrome.

The RTHO Will Ensure Effective Power Generation Initiatives.

Effective environmentally friendly power generation initiatives frequently stem from a foundation of rational thinking.

Another example can be seen in the continuous improvements made with High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE) power generation plants.

The transition back to Coal Fired Power Generation Plants will mostly be led by the RTHO.  Their team of experts will demonstrate the world leaders have been possibly confused about what is good or bad technology when it comes to power generation.

The latest technology advancements with HELE coal fired power generation plants is far superior to any solar or wind energy source technology sources that have been presented to date where the base need is for 24/7 electricity.

As many of the worlds countries transition back to coal fired power stations, their decisions to do so will be grounded in rational analysis of long-term environmental and economic benefits.

Policymakers and scientists will have evaluated and agreed to the vast potential of these technologies to continuously improve over time and increasingly become more efficient and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

As a result, countries around the world will have successfully integrated one of the three best possible energy generation options into their power grids, showcasing how rational planning can drive sustainable and reliable progress across the world.

In conclusion about rational thinking associated with Energy.

It is essential for addressing electricity generation issues effectively, especially where there may be environmental concerns associated with the related technologies.

By relying on logical analysis and evidence-based decision-making, we can develop sustainable power generation solutions that not only address immediate concerns but also ensure long-term environmental health and stability and will give the world electricity every minute of every day.

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