Understand The Meaning Of Being SUPER WOKE
Understand the meaning of being WOKE – My Version. Being WOKE has been widely misunderstood and misrepresented over the last […]
Being Super WOKE entails being a global authority on everything and finding offence in everything.
Super WOKEness is when you decide to give up everything else in your life and devote your entire existence on this planet to ensuring that everyone knows how annoying you can be.
Those who identify as Super WOKE will never allow themselves to be tainted with rationality and will live by the following 4 simple rules:
1. Ensure absurdity in all aspects of your life and refuse to accept anything less than a completely irrational result.
2. Exclaim “This Needs To Stop!” whenever you walk past the headquarters of a large industrial company.
3. Consider everything around you a direct threat to your way of thinking, and refuse to consider nuance or flexibility in your beliefs.
4. Obsess over every aspect of other people’s lives and complain when they do something you don’t agree with.
Understand the meaning of being WOKE – My Version. Being WOKE has been widely misunderstood and misrepresented over the last […]